Coaching and teaching - many through the mortgage process and others on the field

Category: Interest Rates (Page 1 of 24)

How Much Can Sellers Contribute Towards Closing Costs?

Pen, calculator, glasses

One of the interesting things about purchasing a home is that the seller can actually help pay for the buyer’s closing costs.

person with keys for real estate

When purchasing a home, prospective buyers will see various expenses beyond the purchase price, including closing costs.

One way to manage these costs is through interested party contributions (IPCs), which are payments made by parties involved in the transaction, such as the seller, builder, lender, or real estate agent.

Interested party contributions can significantly ease the financial burden on buyers by covering a portion of the closing costs, which typically range from 2% to 5% of the loan amount. These costs include fees for appraisals, inspections, title insurance, and loan origination, among others.

By negotiating IPCs, buyers can reduce the immediate cash required to finalize the home purchase, making homeownership more accessible. This arrangement is particularly beneficial for first-time homebuyers or those with limited liquid assets.

However, there are limitations and regulations governing IPCs to prevent inflation of property values and ensure fair lending practices. Different loan programs, such as conventional, FHA, and VA loans, have specific caps on the amount of IPCs allowed. Here are the specifics:


For conventional loans, the amount of IPCs allowed actually depend on the down payment amount and if the transaction is an investment property purchase.



Wood roof and coins

While IPCs can alleviate some financial pressure, it is essential for buyers to consider the potential trade-offs. Accepting seller contributions might lead to a higher purchase price or less room for negotiating other favorable terms.

Buyers should carefully evaluate the overall cost-benefit scenario, ensuring that the contributions genuinely result in a net financial gain.

In Conclusion

By understanding the regulations and potential impacts on loan terms, buyers can strategically use IPCs to their advantage. 

Reach out to me for more information, as I’d be happy to strategize with you to see how to best utilize IPC’s for your next transaction!

The Lending Coach

The blog postings on this site represent the positions, strategies or opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Guild Mortgage Company or its affiliates. Each loan is subject to underwriter final approval. All information, loan programs, interest rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Always consult an accountant or tax advisor for full eligibility requirements on tax deductions.

Don’t Wait For Lower Rates to Buy

Wristwatch parts

Don’t wait for mortgage rates to drop before making that home purchase.

Hourglass with house

So, should you wait for rates to decline before making your home purchase? The answer might surprise you.

There’s a good chance rates may be dropping in the not-too-distant future based on a slowing economy, moderating inflation and a weakening job picture.

As rates move lower, more buyers will become eligible to purchase. In fact, the National Association of Realtors states that for every 1% decline in mortgage rates, 5 million more people can be eligible to buy.

Even if a small fraction of these eligible buyers decides to move forward, it will likely pressure prices higher and shrink the number of available home choices even further.

It’s also likely the Fed will be forced to start cutting rates in the near future.

Jerome Powell

The advantage of buying ahead of a drop in rates is that you can capture the substantial benefit of appreciation, then refinance to a lower rate once they come down. However, this does come with a cost.

The added temporary interest expense along with the cost to refinance must be considered. When you weigh it against the much greater benefit of appreciation, the choice may become clear to marry the home today, while dating the rate in the interim. More on that here…

I have the tools to allow you to evaluate what the forecasted appreciation is on the home you’re looking to purchase and weigh it against the temporary interest expense to see if it makes sense for you.

Don’t hesitate to reach out…as it would be my pleasure to help!

The Lending Coach

The blog postings on this site represent the positions, strategies or opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Guild Mortgage Company or its affiliates. Each loan is subject to underwriter final approval. All information, loan programs, interest rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Always consult an accountant or tax advisor for full eligibility requirements on tax deductions.

The Top 9 Mortgage Mistakes To Avoid

Hands around house

Navigating the mortgage process can be challenging, especially in today’s environment.

Calculator and pen

Making the right decisions is crucial to avoid common pitfalls that can lead to financial strain or missed opportunities.

Here are the top 9 mortgage mistakes to avoid:

1. Not Checking Credit Reports and Scores

Failing to review your credit reports and scores before applying for a mortgage can result in unpleasant surprises. Errors on your credit report or a low credit score can lead to higher interest rates or even loan denial.

Ensure your credit is in good shape by correcting errors and paying down debts before applying.

2. Not Getting Pre-Approved

Skipping pre-approval can leave you unprepared in a competitive housing market. A pre-approval letter shows sellers you are a serious buyer and gives you a clear idea of how much you can afford, streamlining your home search and negotiation process.

3. Choosing the Wrong Mortgage Type

Different mortgages have varying terms and conditions. Failing to understand the differences between fixed-rate, adjustable-rate, FHA, VA, and other loan types can result in higher costs over time.

Research and choose a mortgage that fits your financial situation and long-term plans.

4. Ignoring Additional Costs

Only focusing on the principal and interest payments is a common mistake. Homeownership includes property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and possibly private mortgage insurance (PMI).

Cash and glasses

Calculate these additional costs to ensure your budget can handle the total expense.

5. Making Major Financial Changes Before Closing

Avoid making significant financial changes, such as switching jobs, taking out new loans, or making large purchases, before your mortgage closes. Lenders recheck your financial status before final approval, and such changes can jeopardize your loan.

6. Overextending Your Budget

Qualifying for a mortgage doesn’t mean you should borrow the maximum amount offered. Consider your overall financial health and future expenses.

A mortgage that stretches your budget too thin can lead to financial stress and difficulties in managing other obligations.

7. Overlooking Loan Terms and Conditions

Not fully understanding the terms and conditions of your mortgage can lead to costly mistakes. Read the fine print and ask questions about any unclear terms, such as prepayment penalties, adjustable-rate terms, or the implications of late payments.

8. Skipping the Home Inspection

Door installation

Foregoing a home inspection to save money or expedite the purchase can backfire. An inspection can uncover hidden issues that might require costly repairs.

Use the inspection results to negotiate with the seller or reconsider the purchase if significant problems are found.

9. Ignoring Refinance Opportunities

Once you have a mortgage, staying complacent can be a mistake. Regularly review your mortgage terms and market conditions.

Refinancing when interest rates drop can save you money, but be mindful of the costs involved to ensure it’s a financially sound decision.

In Conclusion

Avoiding these common mortgage mistakes requires careful planning, thorough research, and staying informed throughout the home-buying process. Make sure to team up with the right mortgage lender to walk you through the process.

By taking proactive steps to manage your credit, budget, and loan options, you can secure a mortgage that aligns with your financial goals and helps ensure a stable and sustainable homeownership experience.

Most importantly, do reach out to me for help!

The Lending Coach

The blog postings on this site represent the positions, strategies or opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Guild Mortgage Company or its affiliates. Each loan is subject to underwriter final approval. All information, loan programs, interest rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Always consult an accountant or tax advisor for full eligibility requirements on tax deductions.

Why Mortgage Rates Are Staying Stubbornly High…and What Does The Future Hold?

MBS graph

Mortgage interest rates are staying higher than initially anticipated, due to the staying power of inflation today.

Inflation is a terrible thing for prosperous, economic growth…and it significantly impacts mortgage rates for the worst.

Dollar rope home graphic

Today, we are seeing the impact of stubbornly sticky inflation in the mortgage marketplace – and relief doesn’t appear to be coming in the near term.

The most recent inflation data showed prices rising by 3.5% year-over-year in March, which exceeds the Federal Reserve’s 2% target.

Why Does This Happen?

Rising inflation shrinks buying power as prices of goods and services increase. Higher prices can then influence the Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy, affecting the cost of borrowing for lending products like mortgages.

inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time. As the cost of living rises, the value of each dollar decreases, leading to a decline in the real value of mortgage payments.  Hence, mortgage lenders must charge more in interest to make the same profit.

Then, as inflation cools, mortgage interest rates can be expected to ease as well.

The Federal Reserve and the 10-Year Treasury Note

When inflation rises, the Federal Reserve banks has respond by tightening monetary policy to control inflationary pressures. This involves raising the federal funds rates to reduce borrowing and spending, thereby slowing down economic growth and inflation. 

Federal Reserve building

At this point, this strategy hasn’t worked nearly as well as expected.

More importantly, the Federal Reserve does not set mortgage rates. Instead, the central bank sets the federal funds rate target, the interest rate that banks lend money to one another overnight. A Fed increase in this short-term interest rate often pushes up long-term interest rates for U.S. Treasuries.

Fixed-rate mortgages are tied to the yield on 10-year U.S. Treasury notes, which are government-issued bonds that mature in a decade. When the 10-year Treasury yield increases, the 30-year mortgage rate tends to do the same.

You can read more about that here…

Short Term Outlook

The average mortgage rate for a 30-year fixed is 7.12%, nearly double its 3.22% level in early 2022.

“There is some optimism for rate cuts, however, we were forecasting three to four rate cuts in 2024 at the beginning of the year, and it now is unlikely. People are now adjusting those expectations down to two,” says Ali Nassirian, vice president of consumer & home lending at Travis Credit Union.

Percent graphic

“Looking at the current data, there’s roughly a 50% chance we’ll see a rate cut in June,” Nassirian adds.

As little as two weeks ago, there was generally a greater optimism that the Fed would start rate cuts in June. However, that now seems to many like a hopeful start date.

There’s also a good chance that mortgage rates will remain relatively unchanged for the remainder of 2024.

“I don’t see a rate cut at the next Fed meeting. I think June would be the soonest cut we see. Even if they cut rates two or three times this year, I don’t think we will see many moves in the mortgage market from those,” says Brian Durham, vice president of risk management and managing broker at Realty Group LLC.

“The things that will have a bigger impact on the mortgage markets will be things like the Fed’s quantitative tightening policy, job numbers, and other inflationary or deflationary variables like the cost of oil,” Durham adds.

You can find out more here from Jake Safane at MoneyWatch…

In Conclusion

Mortgage rate forecasts vary depending on the expert you ask, but the overall consensus seems to be that there won’t be significant decreases in the near future. With that said, conditions can change, as recent expectations of rate cuts so far in 2024 have not come to to pass.

It’s actually possible that we’ll even see mortgage interest rates rise if inflation persists.

So, some buyers might prefer to act now, rather than waiting for however long it might take for mortgage rates to become more favorable, if at all.

Please do reach out to me to discuss how to make the best mortgage and purchasing decisions in today’s environment.

Lending Coach Title Bar

The blog postings on this site represent the positions, strategies or opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Guild Mortgage Company or its affiliates. Each loan is subject to underwriter final approval. All information, loan programs, interest rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Always consult an accountant or tax advisor for full eligibility requirements on tax deductions.

Dave Ramsey | Spot-On Regarding Housing

Dave Ramsey logo

Many know Dave Ramsey from his radio show and his website where he offers some of the best financial advice around.

Recently, he took a bit of a ‘victory lap’ regarding his real estate market predictions.

Dave with microphone

Relatively steady home prices, despite higher interest rates, seem to have vindicated Ramsey’s bet.  “You were wrong!” he said of his critics, adding, “I freaking know what I’m talking about.”

No Housing “Bubble” – Appreciation to Continue

When the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates in 2022, many were concerned that higher borrowing costs would reduce home sales and prices.

clear and blue bubble near green leaves

However, Ramsey claims he was skeptical of these concerns and was instead expecting home prices to remain steady or rise modestly. His thesis was based on simple supply-demand dynamics.

“When there is a shortage of an item … prices go up,” he said. “That’s basic economics.”

This theory seems to be vindicated by a report from the National Association of Realtors. Home prices climbed 5.7% over the past year as of February, with the median American home being worth $384,500.

Dave’s Latest Prediction

“Prices will go up,” Ramsey predicts. “This is what’s happening with real estate. I promise you, you can look up this [episode] five years from now and you’re going to go ‘god, that old fart was right again.’”

As for interest rates, Ramsey doesn’t make a firm prediction but advises buyers to focus on prices instead and refinance when borrowing rates go down.

“Marry the house, date the rate,” he said.

Who Is Dave Ramsey

Ramsey also makes efforts to educate people on the ways of using monetary resources judiciously, through his ‘Financial Peace University,’ speaking in churches and community centers.

Ramsey advises everyone to follow his prime mantra, “Avoid debt at all costs.”

Dave’s 7 “Baby Steps”

One of Dave Ramsey’s financial literacy campaigns features seven “baby steps” that individuals and households should pursue in order to gain financial freedom. Each step should proceed when the previous one has been completed or is near completion. These include:

  • Establish an emergency savings fund of at least $1,000
  • Pay off all non-housing debts ASAP starting with those with the smallest outstanding balances (known as the debt snowball method)
  • Increase your emergency fund to 3-6 months’ income
  • Invest 15% or more of your gross monthly income into a retirement account like a 401(k) or IRA
  • Start college funds (if you have children) in qualified accounts like 592 plans and ESAs
  • Pay off your mortgage as early as possible
  • Build wealth

In Conclusion

If buyers are waiting to purchase thinking that home prices are going to move lower, that is most likely a bad idea.  Instead, Marry the House but Date the Rate – purchase today and gain appreciation and refinance later if rates go down.  Reach out to me for more, as it would be my pleasure to put a home-purchase plan in place!

Lending Coach Title Bar

The blog postings on this site represent the positions, strategies or opinions of the author and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies or opinions of Guild Mortgage Company or its affiliates. Each loan is subject to underwriter final approval. All information, loan programs, interest rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Always consult an accountant or tax advisor for full eligibility requirements on tax deductions.

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