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It’s one of those “need-to-know” situations – a time where most everything needs to be laid out on the table.

An IRS audit?  No.

Homeland Security interview?  No.

It’s the sit down with your mortgage lender.  It doesn’t sound like a ton of fun, does it?

Actually, a few of the questions that will make you furrow your brow are actually pieces of information that are required as part of the process.  They really aren’t that intrusive, but do make sure to share the information accurately – as it might make the difference between qualifying and not!

In all seriousness, if your lender doesn’t take the time to ask these, and a myriad of other questions, he or she really isn’t doing their job.  It’s in your best interest as a customer to share as much as possible with your lender-of-choice, as they should be then able to put together the best possible options for you that meet your goals and objectives.

Read on for more…..

Source: The Mortgage Reports

5 Nosy Questions To Expect From Your Mortgage Lender